
Pet Health Insurance for Veteran’s and First Responders

Our public servants strive every day to save lives throughout the United States and the World. They rescue our loved ones, defend our freedoms, and comfort us during our most challenging times. We look to them for strength and guidance and trust their knowledge and resolve. They sacrifice to keep us free. Many of them have pets that carry them through their own challenges, provide companionship and a shoulder to lean on or even some precious kisses . Our commitment here at Happy Hubz is to strive to provide each and every public servant with Pet Health Insurance to ease the burden of costly veterinary expenses that many just can’t afford. Through our relationship across the animal industry, we can make a difference. Partner with us to provide pet insurance to those public servants in need, help cover deductibles or differences between the costs of care and what insurance will cover. We can do this through direct donations, funds raised by purchasing every day pet foods and necessities through our online stores, or by contributing to the Combined Federal Campaign to support our cause. Help us to raise $100,000 now to start this exciting goal. We can do this together as individuals, corporations and small businesses.

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